Healthy Eating - Pure Blood - Healthy Living Poor Eating - Impure Blood - Illness/Diseases - Medicines - Affects Health - Unhealthy-Diseases-Living/Dying Reference:- Below information is documented based on the speech given by Healer Baskar from Coimbatore ( The speech is in Tamil and there is no English sub-title, hence I prepared the below document Medical/Health Myths Vs Truth after watching the entire speech for over 6 hours. Baskar's recorded speech is available in the form of 2 DVDs which is really a life-saver for anyone especially those of you currently take medicines for High Blood Pressure / Diabetes or any internal diseases/disorders. 1. The contamination of blood is the root cause for all diseases. 2. By cleansing the blood of impurities all diseases can be cured. 3. By regulating/perfecting the food, drinking water, breathing air, sleep and work or physical activity the blood can be purified. 4. By regulating the food 50% of the diseases can be cured. 5. But only by regulating, drinking water, sleep, physical activity, and breathing air, the permanent cure/health can be maintained. 6. Human Body is comprised of millions of cells 7. Cells maintain the life energy by consuming oxygen and good glucose/sugar (Good Sugar - Sugar with insulin) from blood 8. Human body continuously rejuvinates itelf by constantly replacing the damaged/old cells with new cells 9. Food that we eat gets converted into glucose by the lower intestine and diffused into blood. 10. Three Components are vital for the body to repair/rejuvinate itself natuarally (a) Body should have enough quantity of blood (b) All the essential elelments(minerals) should be present in the blood (c) All the essential elements present in blood should be of good/acceptable quality | |||
Organ/ Food | Myth | Fact | Exception |
Eyes | When you face problem with eyesight or headache, wear spectacle | Human body/blood can repair and replace the cells in the Eyes and rectify the eye sight over a period of time. Wearing spectacle and not perfecting the food intake alone prevent the cells in the Eyes from reparing or replacing the impacted/damaged eye cells If someone started with -1 power glass would've only increased his power (-2, -2.5 and so on) during the course of time | If you are already using high power glasses, use it only when it is absolutely critical (like reading bus number etc.,). Don't use glasses within the house so that you can allow the eye cells to repair/renew itself. |
Heart | High Blood Pressure is an illness/disorder and needs to be corrected/controlled by medication | Whenever any organ in the body has a problem, the cells in that organ take more sugar & Oxygen from blood to repair/replace the affected cells. Cells continue to take oxygen and sugar from blood until the damanged/affected cells are repaired/replaced. If the blood quality is not good, it'll take longer time to repair the cells and hence heart has to continuosuly pump more blood to the cells. Due to this, if the blood pressure goes up, we should not intervene and take medicine to suppress the blood pressure. If we do this, we are restricting the blood from circulating to the affected cells of the organs and thereby preventing the cells in the organs repair itself leading to diseases. High Blood Pressure medicines are invented to control blood pressure during surgeries and not meant for consuming during normal times. | |
Diabetes | High Sugar or Low Sugar is a serious disorder and needs to be controlled thru Diabetes medicine or Insulin | All that we eat gets converted to sugar/glucose in the lower intestine. Pancreas gland secretes Insulin and attaches Insulin only to the good glucose/sugar. Bad glucose is the result of poor digestion process and hence Pancreas cannot attach Insulin to bad glucose. Both good glucose with Insulin and bad glucose without Insulin gets diffused into blood. Whenever Cells have to perform some action, they take oxygen and good glucose (glucose with Insulin) from Blood. Bad Glucose (Glucose without Insulin) will be flushed out of body When the food and eating habits are poor, poor quality glucose will be created after the digesion process. As Pancreas cannot secrete Insulin for the bad glucose, cells will be deprived of energy as cells can consume only good glucose (glucose with Insulin). Since cells cannot consume the bad glucose, these bad glucose continues to circulate in the blood in high quantities (high blood sugar) and then leaves the blood (Low blood sugar) to get cleansed by kidney as Urine. This is when the person is termed as 'Diabetic' by the Doctors. Doctors should've blamed the person for not taking right food in the right time in the right way which would have ensured creating good glucose enabling the Pancreas to secrete Insulin for all the qualified glucose which in turn would've helped the Cells to consume the good glucose (with Insulin). Instead poor Pancreas :-( is blamed for not secreting Insulin. In order to circumvent above mentioned process, the Doctor prescribe Diabetes medicine that forces the Pancreas to secrete Insulin irrespective of the quality of glucose. Now all the glucose in the blood will have Insulin thereby making the cells accept all the glucose as they all have Insulin now. Since cells now accept even bad glucose as they too carry Insulin, they cannot perform their function of repairing/renewing the body cells properly and thats why the body/organs become prone to various pains/illness/diseases. As the so called 'Diabetic' patient continues to take 'Diabetic' medicine, along with other organs, even Pancreas gets repaired and due to the poor quaility of glucose intake by the Pancreas cells. Due to this the Diabetes medicine cannot make the Pancreas create 'Insulin' anymore and this when the 'Diabetes' patient evolves :-( to the next serious stage and Doctor prescribes 'Insulin' injection to them. Injecting Insulin directly into the body totally kills the body's 'Quality Control' mechanism and all the food that we eat, irrespective of the quality of glucose created gets diffused into the blood. The cells have no choice but to work with inferior quality glucose (as all glucose have Insulin now) and they poorly discharge their duty of repairing and renewing cells thereby leading to the body/organs totally susceptable to all kinds of diseases and poor immunity to external attacks from virus/backteria. Normally the lower limbs (legs) of the body undergoes higher blood circulation, as blood quality becomes very poor, the cells in the legs/foot get dead faster leading to numbness in the foot initally and hence any wound/injury happens in the foot, will not get cured and due to easy infection very soon the patient's entire legs needs to get amputated. Any organ of the body that undergoes more strain like eyes etc., too gets this pathetic end as the cells with bad quality of glucose from blood has totally lost its inherent capability to repair/renew the cells in the eyes. The message is 'right food taken at the right time in the right way' alone cannot make the body defend itself naturally and continue to renew/rejunivnate the cells of the body thereby the person stays healthy.The 'Diabetes medicine' & 'Insulin Injection' only kills the 'Quality Control' mechanism of the body and makes the body prone to all diseases and die a horrible death. | |
Eating (Earth) | Everybody should eat 3 meals a day at the fixed time | We discharge Urine/Motion, only when the body prompts. Likewise we should eat food only when we feel hungry irrespective of the time. (right time) Ideally the food we eat should contain all the 6 tastes a)Sweet b) Sour c)Salty d)Pungent e)Bitter f)Astringent We should precede the food with small amount of sweet, this will ensure the lever to secrete the proper digestive juices (right way) The preference of food to eat is a) Fruits b) Spinach & Vegetables c) Whole grains (right food) Once we put the food in the mouth, we should tightly close the lips and chew the food until it is fully grinded and only after that we should swallow the extract into the throat. (right way) While eating we should only think/concentrate (avoid discussing / watching TV) on food so that the brain lets the body secrete all the necessary digestive juices. (right way) By following the above steps (right food-right way-right time), we allow the body's digestive system perform perfectly and all the food that we eat gets converted to glucose/sugar for which Pancreas will be glad to give Insulin before the Insulin added glucose mixes with blood. | |
Drinking (Water) | Plenty of water (8 litres) should be consumed. Water Therapy | Drink water only when you feel thirsty. If you are in a tropical place, you will feel thristy often and hence you will have to drink more water. However if you are in a cold place, you wouldn't feel thristy and hence you can limit your water consumption Dont drink water 30 mins before eating as hydrocloric acid(HCL) would've secreted in anticipation of food to digest and drinking water during this time would dilute HCL and affect the digestion process. Dont drink water 30 mins after eating as water will dilute the digested food and make the nutrients leave the body as urine thru Kidney. | |
Breathing (Air) | Wherever there is air circulation, you will get oxygen | The cells in the body need OXYGEN & GLUCOSE to generate heat to perform their functions. If the oxygen availability is less in the air we breathe, lungs will have to borrow from Kidney. If we continue to live in an less Oxygen atmosphere, due to continuous borrowing of oxygen by lungs from Kidney, kidney will get overloaded and repaired. Hence it is very important that we live/sleep in a place that has enough external air coming inside and there is enough ventillation for Carbon-di-oxide to exit. | |
Work/ Exercise (Fire) | Exercise or any physical work is Optional | The excess fat that is generated in the body is removed by exercise if the daily physical work is very less. The physical work/Exercise generates adequate heat in the body which is good for the normal functioning of the body cells. | |
Sleep (Ether) | Everyone should sleep for 8 hrs/day at night | Though everyone should lie down for 8 hrs, only those who undergo physical work tend to sleep for all 8 hrs. Others who have more mental/Sedantry work may not get sleep for all 8 hrs. They may take rest for few hrs and fall asleep after that. The blood cells in the blood vessels needs to be spaced out and this space is created by the adquate rest/sleep | |
Food | Once you've some disease or disorder you should've food restriction like less sugar/sweet, less salt, no coconut, no fatty oils etc., | Anything that we eat, our body converts the food into glucose and other minerals that are required for the normal/optimum functioning of the body. In the name of disease/disorder if we obstain from eating any of the vital tastes/food, the cells will not be able to repair/renew the damaged/affected parts(cells)of the body. Hence there should NOT be food restriction. However we should moderately eat food and also live and eat accordingly to the body and weather conditions around us. |
General | Allopathy or any other system of medicine or treatement is dangerous | Every system of medicine has its Pros & Cons and we must use our discretion to choose the right system of medicine for our body's illness/disorder. For eg., if there is an accident/snake bite/shooting by gun/ or any form of external attack, we have to resort to only Allopathy for quicker medical intervention and treatment. Similarly other systems of Medicine like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Acupunture etc each has its merits and demerits. However by living right and not abusing the body, instead trusting the body we can lead a disease-free healthy life. Save Life - Save Wallet too :-) |
Babies/ Toddlers | Whenever a baby/toddler cries, they must be hungry,hence feed food | Whenever a baby/toddler cries, after checking if there is any insect or anything else is biting or hurting the baby, feed water to the baby. If the baby cries again, feed water again. Only when the baby spits water, feed milk/food to the baby. |
Coconut | Coconut is not good for Cholestrol and it is a artery-clogging food. | Coconut has a lot of health benefits and it is capable of reviving a person from his/her death bed. |
Very interesting facts. Thanks for sharing.